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=== Rectangle Symbol ===
=== Rectangle Symbol ===
Rectangle symbols are stored in the following structure. In the explanation the terms used in the Rectangle Symbol dialog box are shown. The unit of all dimensions is 0.01 mm.
TRectSym = packed record

== Objects ==
== Objects ==

Revision as of 14:04, 2 April 2012

Version: 2012-02-09


This is a description of the file format of OCAD 11 files.

Be aware that this is an internal format and may change in future versions.

Data types used

OCAD is written in 32-bit Delphi and this description uses the names for the data types as they appear in Delphi. However the same data types are available in other development systems like C++.

Integer 32-bit signed integer
SmallInt 16-bit signed integer
Word 16-bit unsigned integer
WordBool 16-bit boolean

Widestring. The first byte contains the number of characters followed by the characters. The string is not zero-terminated. The maximum number of characters is x. It occupies x + 1 bytes in the file.

Double 64-bit floating point number
TDPoly A special data type (64-bit) used for all coordinates and text. It is defined as

TDPoly = record
x, y: integer;

The lowest 8 Bits are used to mark special points:

Marks for the x-coordinate:
1: this point is the first bezier curve point
2: this point is the second bezier curve point
4: for double lines: there is no left line between this point and the next point
8: this point is a area border line or a virtual line gap

Marks for y-coordinate:
1: this point is a corner point
2: this point is the first point of a hole in an area
4: for double lines: there is no right line between this point and the next point
8: this point is a dash point

The upper 24 bits contain the coordinate value measured in units of 0.01 mm.

Note: all file positions are in bytes starting from the beginning of the file.

File Header

OCAD files start with a file header.

TFileHeader = record         // size = 48 Byte 
  OCADMark: SmallInt;        // 3245 (hex 0cad)
  FileType: Byte;            // file type (0: normal map, 1: course setting project, 8: file is saved in Server) 
  FileStatus: Byte;          // not used
  Version: SmallInt;         // 11
  Subversion: Byte;          // number of subversion (0 for 11.0, 1 for 11.1 etc.)
  SubSubversion: Byte;       // number of subsubversion (0 for 11.0.0, 1 for 11.0.1) 
  FirstSymbolIndexBlk: integer;   // file position of the first symbol index block
  ObjectIndexBlock: integer;      // file position of the object index block -> TObjectIndexBlock    // max 65536 * 256 objects 
  OfflineSyncSerial: integer;     // serialNumber for offline work in Server mode
  Res1: integer;             // not used
  Res2: longint;         // not used
  Res3: longint;        // not used
  FirstStringIndexBlk: longint;   // file position of the first string index block
  FileNamePos: integer;      // file position of the file name, used for temporary files only
  FileNameSize: integer;     // size of the file name, used for temporary files only
  Res4: integer;			   // not used


Each Symbol Index Block contains the position of the next Symbol Index Block and the file position of 256 symbols.

TSymbolIndexBlock= record   // Size: 1028 Bytes
  NextSymbolIndexBlock: integer;
  SymbolPosition: array[0..255] of integer;

Base Symbol

The different types of symbols are defined in different structures. There is an abstract type TBaseSym, which contains the fields common to all symbols types. It is used for programming reasons, but does not exist in real OCAD files.

TBaseSym = packed record
  Size: integer;             // Size of the symbol in bytes. This  depends on the type. Coordinates following the symbol are included.
  SymNum: integer;           // Symbol number. This is 1000 times the symbol number. 
                             // for example:
                             //   203.145 is stored as 203145
  Otp: byte;                 // Object type
                             //   1: Point symbol
                             //   2: Line symbol or Line text symbol
                             //   3: Area symbol
                             //   4: Text symbol
                             //   6: Line text symbol
                             //   7: Rectangle symbol
  Flags: byte;               // 1: rotatable symbol (not oriented to north)
                             // 4: belongs to favorites
  Selected: boolean;         // Symbol is selected in the symbol box
  Status: byte;              // Status of the symbol
                             //   0: Normal
                             //   1: Protected
                             //   2: Hidden
                             // AND 16: selected
  PreferredDrawingTool: byte;// Preferred drawing tool
                             //   0: off
                             //   1: Curve mode
                             //   2: Ellipse mode
                             //   3: Circle mode
                             //   4: Rectangular line mode
                             //   5: Rectangular area mode
                             //   6: Straight line mode
                             //   7: Freehand mode
                             //   8: Numeric mode
                             //   9: Stairway mode                          
  CsMode: byte;              // Course setting mode
                             //   0: not used for course setting
                             //   1: course symbol
                             //   2: control description symbol
  CsObjType: byte;           // Course setting object type
                             //   0: Start symbol (Point symbol)
                             //   1: Control symbol (Point symbol)
                             //   2: Finish symbol (Point symbol)
                             //   3: Marked route (Line symbol)
                             //   4: Control description symbol (Point symbol)
                             //   5: Course title (Text symbol)
                             //   6: Start number (Text symbol)
                             //   7: Relay variant (Text symbol)
                             //   8: Text block for control description (Text symbol)
  CsCdFlags: byte;           // Course setting control description flags
                             //   a combination of the flags
                             //   64: available in column B
                             //   32: available in column C
                             //   16: available in column D
                             //   8: available in column E
                             //   4: available in column F
                             //   2: available in column G
                             //   1: available in column H
  Extent: integer;           // Extent how much the rendered symbols can reach outside the coordinates of an object with
                             // this symbol. For a point object it tells how far away from the coordinates of the object
                             // anything of the point symbol can appear
  FilePos: integer;          // Used internally. Value in the file is not defined.
  notUsed1: Byte;            
  notUsed2: Byte;            
  nColors: SmallInt;         // Number of colors of the symbol max. 14, -1: the number of colors is > 14
  Colors: array[0..13] of SmallInt; // Colors of the symbol
  Description: array[0..63] of char;// Description text                        
  IconBits: array[0..483] of byte;  // Each byte represents a pixel of the icon in a 256 color palette
  SymbolTreeGroup: Array[0..63] of Word; // Group ID in the symbol tree, max 64 symbol groups 

Point Symbol

Point symbols are stored with this structure:

TPointSym = packed record

After this structure follow the symbol elements which build that Point symbol. These symbol elements are stored in the following structure. Note that these symbol elements are stored in a different way than ordinary map objects.

TSymElt = record
  stType: SmallInt;          // type of the symbol element
                             //   1: line
                             //   2: area
                             //   3: circle
                             //   4: dot (filled circle)
  stFlags: word;             // Flags
                             //   1: line with round ends
  stColor: SmallInt;         // color of the object. This is the number which appears in
                             // the colors dialog box
  stLineWidth: SmallInt;     // line width for lines and circles unit 0.01 mm
  stDiameter: SmallInt;      // Diameter for circles and dots. The line width is included
                             // one time in this dimension for circles.
  stnPoly: SmallInt;         // number of coordinates
  stRes1: SmallInt;          // Not used
  stRes2: SmallInt;          // Not used
  stPoly: array[0..32767] of TPoint;  // coordinates of the symbol element

If there are several objects, they just follow each other (only the coordinates used are stored). To determine the number of objects the DataSize variable must be used.

Line Symbol

Line symbols are stored in the following structure. In the explanation the terms used in the Line Symbol dialog box are shown.

TLineSym = packed record

Area Symbol

Area symbols are stored in the following structure. In the explanation the terms used in the Area Symbol dialog box are shown. The unit of all dimensions is 0.01 mm.

TAreaSym = packed record

Text Symbol

Text symbols are stored in the following structure. In the explanation the terms used in the Text Symbol dialog box are shown. The unit of all dimensions is 0.01 mm, except for the font sizes which are measured in 0.1 typographical points.

TTextSym = packed record

Line Text Symbol

Line Text symbols are stored in the following structure. In the explanation the terms used in the Line Text Symbol dialog box are shown. The unit of all dimensions is 0.01 mm, except for the font sizes which are measured in 0.1 typographical points.

TLTextSym = packed record

Rectangle Symbol

Rectangle symbols are stored in the following structure. In the explanation the terms used in the Rectangle Symbol dialog box are shown. The unit of all dimensions is 0.01 mm.

TRectSym = packed record


Object Index Block

OCAD Objets

Parameter Strings

The Parameter Strings contain all the information about the setup structure, background maps,course setting and database connection.

Similar to the symbols and objects there are String Index Blocks which contain the basic information for 256 Parameter Strings and the file position of the strings.

TStringIndexBlock contains the basic information for 256 strings

TStringIndexBlock = record
  NextIndexBlock: integer;            // file position of the next StringIndexBlock, 0 if this is the last StringIndexBlock
  Table: array[0..255] of TStringIndex;

TStIndex contains the basic information for 1 string:

TStringIndex = packed record
  Pos: integer;                       // file position of string
  Len: integer;                       // length reversed for the string
  RecType: integer;                   // string typ number, if < 0 then deleted string
  ObjIndex: integer;                  // number of the object

StringIndexBlk in the FileHeader points to the first StringIndexBlock.

The strings (null terminated) have the following structure:

  • first field: all characters until the first tab (character 9). The first field can be missing (the string starts with a tab).
  • tab (character 9)
  • code: this is the first character after the tab
  • value: all characters until the next tab
  • tab
  • code
  • value
  • ...

Some of String Types (number < 1000) may have multiple instances of the same type. They have to be stored as lists.

si_CsObject = 1;
  // First = Code
  // Y = Type (s = start, c = control, m = marked route, f = finish, d = control description, n = course name, u = start number
  //           v = variation code, t = text block)
  // b = Symbol for field B (Trail-O, Macr-O, Micr-O)                          
  // c = Symbol for field C
  // d = Symbol for field D
  // e = Symbol for field E
  // f = Symbol for field F
  // g = Symbol for field G
  // h = Symbol for field H
  // m = f: Funnel tapes
  // o = t: Text control description object; '': iof symbols
  // p = Control description corner: 0=top left; 1=bottom left                   
  // s = Size information
  // t = Text for text description and text block
  // u = elevation user [double]                                             
  // v = is elevation user used [boolean]
si_Course = 2;
  // First = CourseName
  // C = Climb
  // E = Extra distance
  // F = from start number (auto created class)
  // H = ClassName for control description (imported from event software)       
  // K = Combination (imported from event software)                         
  // M = Map file
  // R = number of runners/teams (auto created class)
  // S = Map scale
  // T = to start number (auto created class)
  // Y = Course type (s = relay, o = one-man relay)
  // L = Number of Legs (used for relay and one-man relay)
  // s = start
  // c = control
  // m = marked route
  // k = mandatory crossing point
  // w = mandatory passage through out of bounds area
  // g = map change
  // f = finish
  // l = leg variation starts
  // b = branch of a leg variation starts
  // p = end of a leg variation
  // r = relay variation starts
  // v = branch of a relay variation starts
  // q = end of a relay variation
  // e = used internally only (control number)
  // i = used internally only (back to begin of variation)
  // j = used internally only (line to end of variation)
  // n = course name object
  // u = start number object
  // t = text block for control description
  // o = other object
si_CsClass = 3;
  // First = class name
  // c = Course name
  // f = FromNumber (relay)
  // r = Number of runners
  // t = ToNumber (relay)
si_DataSet = 4;
  // First = dataset name
  // e = dBase file
  // d = ODBC data source
  // u = database user name (encrypted)                                    
  // p = database password (encrypted)                                            
  // t = table
  // k = key field
  // y = symbol field
  // x = text field
  // f = size field
  // l = length unit
  // a = area unit
  // c = decimals
  // h = easting field
  // v = northing field
  // g = angle field                                                           
si_DbObject = 5;
  // First = key
  // d = Dataset
si_OimFile = 6;
si_PrevObj = 7;
  // First = course name;
  // o = object
  // d = description (eg object name)
  // f = from, startpoint of line
  // t = to, end point of line
si_BackgroundMap = 8;
  // a = angle omega [double, 8]
  // b = angle phi [double, 8]
  // d = dim
  // o = render with spot colors (only for raster background maps)
  // p = assigned to spot color (only for raster background maps)
  // q = subtract from spot color (0 = normal, 1 = subtract)
  // r = visible in background favorites (0 = hidden, 1 = visible)
  // s = visible in normal, spot color and draft mode (0 = hidden, 1 = visible)
  // t = transparent
  // x = offset x [double, 6]
  // y = offset y [double, 6]
  // u = pixel size x [double, 10]
  // v = pixel size y [double, 10]
  // w = width (number of pixels)                                         NOT USED//10-0793
  // h = height (number of pixels)                                        NOT USED
  // i = is infrared image (0=undefined, 1=32bit-infrared, 2=32bit RGB)           //11-0089
  // m = is WMS online background map                                             //11-0150
  // k = WMS server name                                                          //11-0150
  // l = WMS layer name                                                           //11-0150
  // n = WMS layer scale range                                                    //11-0956
si_Color = 9;
  // First = name
  // n = number
  // c = cyan
  // m = magenta
  // y = yellow
  // k = black
  // o = overprint
  // t = transparency
  // s = spot color separation name
  // p = percentage in the spot color separation
si_SpotColor = 10;
  // First = name
  // v = visible
  // n = number
  // f = frequency (lpi)
  // a = angle
  // c = cyan
  // m = magenta
  // y = yellow
  // k = black
si_FileInfo_OCAD10 = 11; //replace in OCAD 11 by si_MapNotes = 1061               //11-0247
si_Zoom = 12;
  // x = offset x
  // y = offset y
  // z = zoom
si_ImpLayer = 13;
  // First = Name
  // n = layer number
si_OimFind = 14;
  // First = Name
  // c = Condition
  // d = Dataset
  // f = From zoom
  // h = Hint field
  // n = Name field
  // o = Hotspot type
  // p = Pointer type
  // s = Show hotspots
  // l = List names(in listbox)
  // t = To zoom
  // u = URL field
  // x = Prefix
  // y = Postfix
  // z = Target
  // r = Pointer color red
  // g = Pointer color green
  // b = Pointer color blue
  // R = Hotspot color red
  // G = Hotspot color green
  // B = Hotspot color blue
si_SymTree = 15;
  // First = name
  // f = first node in subgroup (for OCAD9 compability, not used from 24.05.2006)  //9-5075
  // g = group id
  // l = last node in subgroup  (or OCAD9 compability, not used from 24.05.2006)   //9-5075
  // v = visible
  // e = is node expanded (boolean)                                                //9-5075
  // i = Level in Tree                                                             //9-5075
si_CryptInfo = 16;                                                                //10-5001
  // Description is in TCryptInfo class
si_Bookmark = 18;                                                                 //10-0010
  // First = bookmark name
  // d = description
  // x = offset x
  // y = offset y
  // z = zoom
si_Selection = 19;                                                                //11-0302
  // First = selection name
  // n = number
  // o = object ids
si_GpsAdjustPar = 21;                                                             //10-0199
  // m = Gps adjusted mode 1=true; 0=false
  // n = number of GPS adjustment points --> GpsAdjustPoint
  // a = GPS angle
si_GpsAdjustPoints = 22;                                                          //10-0199
  // First = name
  // x = offset x on map
  // y = offset y on map
  // h = Longitude
  // v = Latitude
  // c = checked (true/false)                                                     //10-0265
si_Group = 23;                                                           //10-0140//11-0298
  // First = Name
  // n = group number
si_RecentDocs = 24;                                                               //10-0226
  // First = file name
si_CsAutoCdAllocationTable = 25;                                                  //10-0313
  // First = Map symbol number (STRING)
  // a = Control description symbol 0 (STRING)
  // b = Control description symbol 1 (STRING)
  // c = Control description symbol 2 (STRING)
  // d = Control description symbol 3 (STRING)
  // e = Control description symbol 4 (STRING)
  // f = Control description symbol 5 (STRING)
  // g = Control description dragged direction (STRING)
  // h = Control description click (STRING)
si_RulerGuidesList = 26;                                                          //11-0186
  // h = horizontal guide (0=vertical, 1=horizontal)
  // c = x or y ccordiante (INTEGER, OCAD coordinate)
si_LayoutObjects = 27;                                                            //11-0200
  // First = path for images; description for vector objects
  // r = type: raster image object = 1; vector object = 0
  // s = visible (0 = hidden, 1 = visible)
  // a = angle omega
  // b = angle phi
  // d = dim
  // t = transparent
  // x = offset x
  // y = offset y
  // u = pixel size x
  // v = pixel size y
  // i = is infrared image (0=undefined, 1=32bit-infrared, 2=32bit RGB)           //11-0089
  // n = ActObjectIndex
si_LayoutFontAttributes = 28;                                                     //11-0200
  // First = font name
  // s = font size
si_PrintAndExportRectangleList = 29;                                              //11-0393
  // First = Name
  // b = bottom [integer, ocad unit]
  // l = left [integer, ocad unit]
  // r = right [integer, ocad unit]
  // t = top [integer, ocad unit]
si_DisplayPar = 1024;
  // f = Show symbol favorites
  // g = selected symbol group
  // s = selected symbol
  // t = Show symbol tree
  // h = horizontal splitter (pixel from top)                                      //9-0225
  // v = vertical splitter (pixel from right)                                      //9-0225
  // b = horizontal splitter for background map panel (pixel from top)            //10-0077
  // i = display mode for unsymbolized objects (0=normal, 2=hidden)               //10-0089
  // j = display mode for graphic objects (0=normal, 2=hidden)                    //10-0089
  // k = display mode for image objects (0=normal, 1=protect, 2=hidden)  //10-0089//11-0277
  // l = display mode for layout objects (0=normal, 2=hidden)                     //10-0089
si_OimPar = 1025;
  // First = OpenLayers
  // a = Antialiasing  [boolean]                                                  //11-0475
  // b = Border width [integer]
  // A = Map Title [string]
  // C = Map Subtitle [string]
  // E = Editlayer enable [boolean]
  // F = Searchbox enable [boolean]
  // m = Do not create tiles [boolean]
  // H = Show layer selector [boolean]
  // I = Show overview map [boolean]
  // i = Show overview map maximized [ boolean]
  // K = Show mouse coordinates [boolean]
  // P = Show Permalink [boolean]
  // J = Font size in pt [integer]
  // L = Subheader fontsize in pt [integer]
  // R = Site background color red [integer: 0..255]
  // G = Site background color green [integer: 0..255]
  // B = Site background color blue  [integer: 0..255]
  // M = Border color [string] as hex e.g.: 00FF00 must be exact 6 values
  // N = Header font color [string] as hex exapmle see border color
  // O = Header background color [string] as hex
  // T = Subheader font color [string] as hex
  // Q = Subheader background color [string] as hex
  // X = Filename of last Safeplace [string]
  // f = Generate map from zoomlevel [integer]                                    //11-0865
  // t = Generate map to zoomlevel [integer]
si_PrintPar = 1026;
  // a = print scale
  // l = landscape
  // c = print (0 = color map, 1 = spot color separation)
  // g = print screen grid
  // d = screen grid color
  // i = intensity
  // w = additional width for lines and dots
  // r = Range (0 entire map, 1 part of map, 2 one page)
  // L = part of map left
  // B = part of map bottom
  // R = part of map right
  // T = part of map top
  // x = horizontal overlap
  // y = vertical overlap
  // b = print black   (course setting only)
  // m = Mirror        (course setting only)
  // s = HorScal       (course setting only)
  // t = VerScal       (course setting only)
  // p = reference point for part of map setup ([0..8])                           //11-0398
si_CdPrintPar = 1027;
  // t = Title
  // s = Size
si_DefaultBackgroundMapsPar = 1028;                                               //11-0093
  // s = default scale
si_EpsPar = 1029;
  // r = EPS resolution
si_ViewPar = 1030;
  // b = draft mode IGN for ocad-map [int: 0..100]
  // c = draft mode IGN background maps [int: 0..100]
  // d = hidden background maps
  // m = draft mode for ocad-map [int: 0..100]
  // t = draft mode background maps [int: 0..100]
  // v = view mode (0=normal, 1=spot colors, 2=draft, 3=draft IGN)
  // x = offset x
  // y = offset y
  // z = zoom
  // h = hatch areas (0 = normal, 1 = hatched)
  // k = keyline mode (0 = normal, 1 = keyline)                                   //11-0289
  // i = map visible                                                              //10-0080
  // l = hidden layout
  // OLD: a, p, s
si_CoursePar = 1031;
  // a = create classes automatically
  // b = background for control descriptions
  // c = numbering (0 = number, 1 = number and code, 2 = code only)
  // d = control descriptions for all controls
  // e = event title
  // f = control frequencies (0 = number and frequencies, 1 = frequencies only)
  // h = thicker horizonal line in control description (0=not, 1=every third, 2=every fourth)
  // i = maximal length of control description (number of rows)
  // l = distance to connection line
  // n = distance to number
  // o = lock for cs object positions (0=unlocked, 1=locked) (BOOL)               //10-0309
  // p = fullstop after control number                                            //10-0307
  // q = lock for cs courses (0=unlocked, 1=locked) (BOOL)                        //10-0325
  // r = export relay combinations
  // s = cell size control description
  // t = course title
  // w = write number of start to control description                             //10-0026
si_TiffPar = 1032;
  // c = compression (1 = no compression, 2 = CCITT, 4 = FaxG4, 5 = LZW)
  // g = GeoTIFF      (not any more used since 10-0093)
  // s = pixel size   (not any more used since 10-0093)
  // w = TFW file     (not any more used since 10-0093)
si_TilesPar = 1033;
  // w = width
  // h = height
si_DbPar = 1034;
  // d = dataset
  // l = last code
  // n = create new record
si_ExportPar = 1035;
  // First = Format (AI, BMP, DXF, GIF, JPEG, OIM, PDF, Shape, SVG, TIFF)
  // a = Anti-Aliasing
  // b = combined spot colors
  // c = color format (0 = 24 bit, 1 = 256 colors, 2 = grayscale, 3 = 1 bit, 4 = halftone screen)
  // d = -> not used again, in OCAD 11 in DxfExportPar                            //11-0673
  // g = Raster (geo-referenced)export mode 0 = resolution, 1 = pixel size        //10-0093
  // i = pixel size (in Meter)                                                    //10-0093
  // l = color correction (0 off, 1 on)
  // o = spot color separations (0=CMYK, 1=spot colors)
  // p = part of map (0 off, 1 on)
  // q = JPEG quality (INTEGER, [0..100])                                         //11-0192
  // r = resolution
  // s = scale
  // t = tiles (0 off, 1 on)
  // w = world file                                                               //10-0093
  // z = compressed svg file (0 off, 1 on)
si_CsExpTextPar = 1037;
  // C = classes (0 = courses, 1 = classes)
  // L = export climbing (0 = off, 1 = on)
si_CsExpStatPar = 1038;
  // C = classes (0 = courses, 1 = classes)
  // a = separator 1
  // b = tab 1
  // c = separator 2
  // d = tab 2
  // e = separator 3
  // f = tab 3
si_ScalePar = 1039;
  // a = real world angle
  // b = additional local horizontal offset in m                                  //10-0084
  // c = additional local vertical offset in m                                    //10-0084
  // d = grid distance for real world  in m [double, 6]
  // g = grid distance for paper coordinates in mm [double, 6]
  // i = grid and zone
  // m = map scale
  // r = real world cord (0 = paper, 1 = real world)
  // x = real world offset x
  // y = real world offset y
si_DbCreateObjPar = 1040;
  // c = condition
  // d = dataset
  // t = text field
  // m = unit of measure (m = m, km = km)
  // u = horizontal offset
  // v = vertical offset
  // x = horizontal field
  // y = vertical field
si_SelectedSpotColors = 1041;
si_XmlScriptPar = 1042;                                                            //9-0334
  // f = last used file
si_BackupPar = 1043;                                                              //10-0011
  // p = path
si_ExportPartOfMapPar = 1044;                                                     //10-0016
  // b = boundary (0=rectangular boundries, 1=selected object for boundries)
  // s = export with selected object (0=false, 1=true)
  // r = reference point for part of map setup ([0..8])                           //11-0390
  // l = export links to databases (0=false, 1=true)                              //11-1043
si_DemPar = 1045;                                                                 //10-0177
  // First = file
  // l = DEM loaded
  // f = Frame visible
  // i = last used import folder                                                  //10-0532
si_GpsImportFilePar = 1046;                                                       //10-0225
  // a = assign symbol (true/false)
  // t = symbol number for tracks
  // w = symbol number for waypoint
si_ImportXyz = 1047;                                                              //10-0230
  // n = point symbol number
si_RelayCoursesDialog = 1048;                                                     //10-0306
  // First = last exported or printed course (STRING)
  // l = legs (-1=All) (INT)
  // p = variants selected (0=start numbers, 1=variants) (BOOL)
  // s = start number (-1=All) (STRING)
  // v = variants index (-1=All) (INT)
si_CsAutoControlDescription = 1049;                                               //10-0313
  // First = ocd background map file name for auto control description (STRING)
  // a = auto control description (0=off, 1=off) (BOOL)
si_GpxExportPar = 1050;                                                           //10-0581
  // First = description
  // a = author
  // k = keywords
  // r = routes or tracks (true = routes, false = tracks)
si_KmlInfo = 1051;                                                        //9-5158//10-0584
  // Description in ExpKml.pas
si_GpsRouteAnalyzer = 1052;                                                       //10-0727
  // First = Project file
si_CoordinateSystemPar = 1053;                                           //10-0751//11-0484
  //First = description
  // d = datumId
  // e = ellipsoidId
  // x = ellipsoid axis
  // t = ellipsoid flattening
  // r = projectionId
  // m = false easting
  // n = false northing
  // f = scale factor
  // c = central meridian
  // o = longitude of origin
  // a = latitude of origin
  // s = standard parallel 1
  // p = standard parallel 2
  // l = location
  // z = azimuth
  // g = EPSG code                                                                //11-0652
si_GraticulePar = 1054;                                                           //10-0769
  // h = horizontal distance
  // v = vertical distance
  // l = symbol number for grid lines
  // t = symbol number for text labels
si_GraticuleNameIndexPar = 1055;                                                  //10-0792
  // s = style
  // x = index origin of longitude
  // y = index origin of latitude
  // h = horizontal distance
  // v = vertical distance
si_KmzExportPar = 1056;                                                           //10-0846
  // first = Name: string
  // t = Tiles: integer (0 = no tiles, 1 = Garmin Custom Maps optimized, 2 = tiles)
si_LegendPar = 1057;                                                              //11-0141
  // u = show only Used Symbols
  // v = show also hidden symbols                                                 //11-0801
  // h = icon Height
  // w = icon Height
  // y = line Spacing100
  // p = show Point Symbols
  // l = show Point Symbols
  // a = show Point Symbols
  // r = show Point Symbols
  // t = show Point Symbols
  // z = show Point Symbols
  // d = description Symbol
  // s = show Symbol Number
si_RulersPar = 1058;                                                              //11-0183
  // no First
  // s = show (0=false, 1=true)
  // x = ruler origin x (INTEGER, OCAD coordinate)
  // y = ruler origin y (INTEGER, OCAD coordinate)
  // m = move also ruler guides (0=false, 1=true)
si_RulerGuidesPar = 1059;                                                         //11-0186
  // no First
  // s = show (0=false, 1=true)
  // l = lock (0=false, 1=true)
si_DbOptions = 1060;                                                              //11-0215
  // c = create record when cutting object (0=false, 1=true)
  // d = delete record when deleting object (0=false, 1=true)
si_MapNotes = 1061;                                                               //11-0247
  // First = text
si_SendFileByEmail = 1062;                                                        //11-0292
  // First = subject
  // t = to
  // d = add loaded DEM (0=false, 1=true)
  // a = add loaded databases (0=false, 1=true)
  // b = add loaded databases (0=false, 1=true)
  // l = add loaded databases (0=false, 1=true)
si_MapGridPar = 1063;                                                             //11-0564
  // a = angle
  // e = easting offset
  // n = northing offset
  // h = horizontal (easting) distance
  // v = vertical (northing) distance
  // x = create easting grid lines
  // y = create northing grid lines
  // j = create vertices at grid junctions                                        //11-0977
  // l = symbol number for grid lines
  // t = symbol number for text labels
si_DemSlopePar = 1064;                                                            //11-0450
  // m = Method: 0 = continuous; 1 = black/white
  // c = Slope for black pixels in continuous method
  // b = Slope for black pixels in black/white method
  // l = load slope map as background map
si_DemProfilePar = 1065;                                                          //11-0573
  // First = profile template path
  // a = scale option (0=auto-scale, 1=used defined scale)
  // c = scale
  // d = distance unit (0=km, 1=m)
  // g = show grid (0=false, 1=true)
  // m = time unit (0=h:mm)
  // r = round time steps (0=no round, 5=round to 5 minutes, 10=round to 10 minutes)
  // t = show text at the bottom of the profile (0=false, 1=true)
  // x = length resolution
  // z = elevation resolution
  // k = elevation factor
si_DemHillshadingPar = 1066;                                                      //11-0574
  // m = Method: 0 = simple; 1 = combined
  // a = azimut
  // d = declination
  // e = exaggeration
  // l = load hillshading as background map
si_DemHypsometricMapPar = 1067;                                                   //11-0574
  // m = Method: 0 = grayscale; 1 = colored
  // l = load hillshading as background map
si_DemClassifyVegetationPar = 1068;                                               //11-0574
  // m = Method: 0 = grayscale; 1 = colored
  // l = load hillshading as background map
si_ShapeExportPar = 1069;                                                         //11-0576
  // a = item 'area objects' selected (0=false, 1=true)
  // c = create projection file
  // d = dataset ['all' = All Objects or name of dataset]
  // l = item 'line objects' selected (0=false, 1=true)
  // p = item 'point objects' selected (0=false, 1=true)
  // r = replace word wrap by tilde (0=false, 1=true)
  // t = item 'text objects' selected (0=false, 1=true)
  // u = UTF-8 Encoding (0=false, 1=true)                                         //11-1014
si_DxfExportPar = 1070;                                                           //11-0673
  // a = convert text from ANSI to OEM (0=false, 1=true)
  // o = convert text from OEM to Unicode (0=false, 1=true)
  // s = only objects with selected symbol (0=false, 1=true)
  // l = add symbol description in DXF layer name (0=false, 1=true)
  // e = export OCAD Curves as DXF splines (0=false, 1=true)
  // c = coordinates (0=m, 1=mm)
si_DemImportLasPar = 1071;                                                        //11-0854
  // u = unclassified
  // g = ground
  // l = low  vegetation
  // m = mean vegetation
  // h = high vegetation
  // b = buildings
  // w = water class
  // o = other class
  // r = Return option