Tips with Keyboard and Mouse

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Revision as of 15:43, 26 June 2018 by ANK (talk | contribs) (→‎Drawing)
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Space + Mouse Drag Move the view. See also: Icon Pan.PNG Pan Tool
Mouse Wheel Down Pan while holding the mouse wheel down.
Mouse Wheel + Ctrl Zoom in/Zoom out. See also: Icon ZoomIn.PNG Icon ZoomOut.PNG Zoom Tools
Mouse Wheel Move the view vertically.
Mouse Wheel + Shift Move the view horizontally.
F5 Redraw
F6 Pan
F7 Zoom In
F8 Zoom Out

There are some Shortcuts by default corresponding to view and navigation functions.


Shift + Icon CurveMode.PNG Continue an existing line or expand areas objects. Press the Shift key and click the start or end point of line or area object to be continued.
Shift + Icon CircleMode.PNG Drawing circular objects from the center point.
Ctrl + Icon CurveMode.PNG Following Existing Objects.
Alt + Icon StraightLineMode.PNG Draw horizontal or vertical lines. Press the Alt key while drawing. The line snaps in a vertical or horizontal direction.
Tab Change drawing mode during drawing and editing. Press the Tab key until the desired drawing mode appears to change the drawing mode.
P Press the P key to change to the last used drawing mode.

Visit the Drawing and Editing Section in the OCAD Preferences to choose your favourite settings.


Shift + Icon SelectAndEditObject.PNG or Icon SelectObjectAndEditVertex.PNG Object not selected: add to the selected objects. As an alternative, drag an area with the Left Mouse Button.
Selected object: remove from selected objects.
Keep right angle when moving a corner (e.g. building).
Ctrl + Icon SelectObjectAndEditVertex.PNG Remove Vertex
Ctrl + Icon RemoveVertex.PNG + Mouse Remove Vertex with Mouse Over.
Shift + Ctrl + Icon SelectObjectAndEditVertex.PNG Add Vertex
Alt + Icon SelectObjectAndEditVertex.PNG Select an object under a already selected object.
Alt + Icon Cut.PNG or Icon Reshape.PNG Select next object for editing
Arrow Keys Move selected objects (fine tuning)
Arrow Keys Double Click on Vertex and Move Vertex With Arrow Keys.
Tab + Icon SelectObjectAndEditVertex.PNG Move neighboring Segments and congruent Vertices in one single step.
Shift + Arrow Keys Move selected objects (fast)
P Get latest used drawing tool
A Change to the Select Object and Edit Vertex mode.
V Change to the Select and Edit Object mode.


Ctrl + Icon Cut.PNG Insert a virtual gap.
Shift + Icon Cut.PNG Dashed line: Insert a gap at the cutting point

Background Map

F9 Adjust a Background Map
F10 Hide all Background Maps