New Map Wizard

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This function is available in OCAD Mapping Solution.This function is available in OCAD Orienteering.This function is available in OCAD Starter.

NewMapWizard DataSource.png

Choose this command from the File menu to create a new map.

This wizard helps you to set the geo-reference and import optionally geodata like Open Street Map data or cadastral surveying data from different countries.

See also the Create a New Map Page if you do not want to import OSM or cadastral surveying data.

Choose Data Source and Map type

Choose the preferred data source and map type.

Data Source


Data from OpenStreetMap. OSM are free and available all over the globe. However, in some places they are more accurate and in other places less accurate.

Map Types:
Open Street Map: Convert to Open Street Map Symbol Set.
ISOM 2017: Convert to ISOM 2017 Symbol Set.
ISSprOM 2019: Convert to ISSprOM 2019 Symbol Set.
Import OSM Data
Import OSM data. You can choose not to load data and only geo-reference your map correctly in the next step.
Create DTM from Google Maps API
This option is only activated if a Google API Key is entered in the OCAD Preferences. With this option you can create contour lines, based on a DEM from Google Maps data. You shouldn't trust these data too much, so we recommend to use this function only if no other precise DTM is available. Nevertheless, it can give you an impression how the terrain looks like.


Data from the cadastral survey of Finland (open data). Only available for Finland.

Map Types:
ISOM 2017: Convert to ISOM 2017 Symbol Set.
ISSprOM 2019: Convert to ISSprOM2019 Symbol Set.
Maastokartta: Convert to Maastokartta (national map of Finland).
Create contours from LiDAR
Choose this option to create also contours lines from LiDAR.
Keep downloaded geodata
Choose this option to keep the downloaded geodata that were used for the automatic map. The data can be found under C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\OCAD\tmp. You can adjust this path in the OCAD Preferences.

Great Britain

Data from the cadastral survey of Ordonacne Survey (open data). Only available for the UK.

Map Types:
ISOM 2017: Convert to ISOM 2017 Symbol Set.
ISSprOM 2019: Convert to ISSprOM 2019 Symbol Set.
Import OS Open Map - Local Data
Import the data from OS Open Map. You can choose not to load data and only geo-reference your map correctly in the next step.
Create Contours from DTM (Wales only)
Choose this option to create also contours lines from LiDAR. Only available in Wales so far.
Create Contours from DTM (Wales only)
Choose this option to create also contours lines from LiDAR. Only available in Wales so far.
Keep downloaded geodata
Choose this option to keep the downloaded geodata that were used for the automatic map. The data can be found under C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\OCAD\tmp. You can adjust this path in the OCAD Preferences.


Data from Lantmäteriet. Only available for Sweden.

Map Types:
ISOM 2017: Convert to ISOM 2017 Symbol Set.
ISSprOM 2019: Convert to ISSprOM2019 Symbol Set.
Topographic Map:
No data: Do not import any data.
Data from user: Choose data from file.
OpenStreetMap: Import OpenStreetMap data.
Terrängkartan: Import data from Lantmäteriet's Terrängkartan in scale 1: 50'000. You need to select the correct län in the list on the right side, in which you like to create your map.
Create contours from LiDAR
Activate this option to get contour lines and the vegetation base map for your map extent.
Note, that not all parts of Sweden are covered yet with free accessible LiDAR data. In some parts you only get the data of the Terrängkarta. See the link Current availability of LiDAR data at the bottom of the dialogue.
Keep downloaded geodata
Choose this option to keep the downloaded geodata that were used for the automatic map. The data can be found under C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\OCAD\tmp. You can adjust this path in the OCAD Preferences.
Lantmäteriet account
A user account is required to use the data of Lantmäteriet.

Hint.jpg The download and processing may take some time, depending on the size of the map extent. Give it a try with a small area first. For bigger areas, we recommend to run the process overnight.


Data from the cadastral survey of Switzerland (open data - not all cantons included yet). Only available for Switzerland.

Map Types:
ISOM 2017: Convert to ISOM 2017 Symbol Set.
ISSprOM 2019: Convert to ISSprOM 2019 Symbol Set.
swissTLM3D (for ISOM 2017):
Import data from the swissTLM3D.
Hint.jpg The whole swissTLM3D needs to be downloaded (about 3GB!), even if you choose a small map extend.
Import Amtliche Vermessung (for ISSprOM 2019):
Select either Gemeinde, Bezirk or Kanton. It's important that the settings correspond to the map location you will specify later. Otherhand you will get no data.
Please be aware, that it will not work for all cantons, as some cantons have not yet open data access. Check Current availability for data (Amtliche Vermessung)
Some additional symbols will be added to your symbol set, e.g. a symbol to show Parcel boundaries (Parzellengrenzen), boundary points (Grenzpunkte) or projected buildings (projektierte Gebäude).
Import swissALTI3D
Imports data from swissALTI3D to your map and creates contour lines. swissALTI3D is a digital elevation model that covers whole Switzerland.
Import SwissSURFACE3D
Imports data from swissSURFACE3D (LiDAR data) to your map and creates contour lines. In case the swissALTI3D data is also chosen, OCAD will create contours based on the swissALTI3D. swissSURFACE3D is not yet available for whole Switzerland. Check Current availability for data (swissSURFACE3D).
Create vegetation base map: Create a vegetation base map, based on swissSURFACE3D data.
Create vegetation height map: Create a vegetation height map, based on swissSURFACE3D data.
Load SWISSIMAGE as background map
Load aerial images (SWISSIMAGE) of your specified location as background map.
Create Hill Shading
Create a Hill Shading out of the swissALTI3D or swissSURFACE3D data. In case the swissALTI3D data is chosen, OCAD will create the hill shading based on the swissALTI3D data.
Keep downloaded geodata
Choose this option to keep the downloaded geodata that were used for the automatic map. The data can be found under C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\OCAD\tmp. You can adjust this path in the OCAD Preferences.

Choose Symbol Set

NewMapWizard SymbolSet.png

The settings are defined according to the chosen data type and data source before. You can change these settings here.

  • Load symbol set from: Choose the Symbol Set.
  • Map Scale: Set the Map Scale.
  • File Name: Click the button to change the default temporary file name and the file location.
  • Language: Choose the language.
  • Use CRT file: Chose a CRT file to directly convert the imported data to OCAD symbols.

Hint.jpg The New Map Wizard dialog shows only OCAD symbol sets. If the Load symbol set from field is empty, then change the Default Symbol Folder in the Preferences to the OCAD symbol folder.

Hint.jpg It can occur that not all layers are listed in the CRT File. This data will appears in red color (Objects without Symbol). Select these layers and convert them manually.

  1. Click on one of these unsymbolised red object.
  2. Go to Select>Select by Symbol>All objects in layer. The layer with the red object you selected before should appear.
  3. Click OK. Now you have selected all objects of this layer.
  4. Click on a symbol in the Symbol Box and go to Objects>Change Symbol (Selected Objects)

Click the Next button.

Choose Location

NewMapWizard Location.png

Choose the location of the map. Enter the location (e.g. Baar) in the search field and click Go. Choose the location in the list or move the Open Street Map to the map location. OCAD show the correct UTM coordiantes system for the map location (e.g. UTM/WGS 84 Zone 32 North). Click the Change button to change to another coordinate system.

OCAD also calculates the correct declination for your position and fills in the correct angle in the box Rotate map to magnetic north. Check this option to have considered the declination from start.

The map will later be croped to the Import Extent, which is shown in the lower right corner. This extent is updated when moving the map location. You can also change the numbers and set the extent manually.

Click the Create button. All data will be downloaded and proceeded. This step will take some time, depinding on the size of the map extent.


The following maps have been created automatically with the New Map Wizard.

NewMapWizard Baar.png
Map of Baar, Switzerland

NewMapWizard Rovaniemi.png
Map of Rovaniemi, Finland

Map with OS data, Wales

Map with LiDAR data and Terrängkartan, Sweden