Working on a CSA Project

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This function is only available in the OCAD 11 Enterprise Edition.

After the Creation of a New CSA Project and First loading of a New CSA Project you can start working on it.


To edit an object in the client server mode OCAD objects must be checked out and should be checked in after the edit. The check out exclusively locks the object to you and no other user is able to change something on this object. The objects stays checked out for you even if you close OCAD. This means that nobody will be able to change or delete the objects you have checked out.

Important: For some functions OCAD need to be able to completely load and check out all objects by a single user to execute the function. If this is not possible the function execution fails

File:Hint.pngMake sure that you have the Right to edit objects.

Check Out Selected Objects

  1. Select an object you want to edit. Select Multiple Objects to edit more than one object.
  2. Click the Icon CheckOut.PNG Check out Selected Objects icon in the Client Server toolbar. The selected objects are now checked out, which means that nobody else is allowed to make modifications on them at the moment.
  3. Edit the checked out objects or, if you are creating new objects, draw them.

If an object is not checked out it is visually marked with crosses on the object.

CSA CheckOutExample.png

Check In Selected Objects

When finished, you have to check in the objects again.

  1. Select all edited or drawn objects and click the Icon CheckIn.PNG Check in Selected Objects icon from the Client Server toolbar.

File:Hint.pngCheck out and check in is not connected to save changes. Changes are saved immediately.

To view all checked out objects and also objects that are checked out by other project members click on the 

Icon ShowCheckedOutObjects.PNG Show Checked Out Objects icon.

  1. CheckedOutObjects.PNG

This opens the Show Checked Out Objects dialog from your currently logged in user. This dialog can be left open and you can choose a objects by clicking on it. This automatically centers the screen view on the selected object. The dialog automatically refreshes itself if the checkbox is ticked every 30 seconds when the dialog is not active.

Delete Objects in Database

Click the Icon DeleteObjectsInDatabase.PNG Delete Objects in Database' button or press the Delete key to delete an object from the server. Note that you first have to check out the object which you want to delete. If you delete an object with Alt and Delete key, the object will be deleted only in the current view but will remain on the server. By clicking the Icon GetObjectsFromCurrentView.PNG Get Objects from Current View button it will show up again.

An object which is not checked out cannot be edited and is indicated with red Vertices when selected.

Offline Work

It is possible to save parts of the project in a local offline file and sync them after working on it with the CSA-Project again.

  1. Get all objects (with the Icon GetObjectsFromCurrentView.PNG Get Objects from Current View function from the Client Server toolbar) you want to work on offline.
  2. Check them out (Select them and click the Icon CheckOut.PNG Check Out Selected Objects icon from the Client Server toolbar.)
  3. Click the Icon SaveForOfflineWork.PNG Save for Offline Work icon in the Client Server toolbar.
  4. The Save As dialog appears. Browse a location and enter a name for the offline copy, then click the Save button.
  5. The CSA-Project closes automatically.
  6. Open the offline copy with the Open command in the File menu.
  7. You can now work on this file.
  8. To resync the file open it.
  9. Click the Icon ConnectDisconnect.PNG Load and Manage Client Server Projects icon in the Client Server toolbar.
  10. Select the CSA-Project in the table of the Load and Manage Client Server Projects dialog, check the Resync current open project after offline work option and click the Load selected project button.
  11. OCAD will ask you if you want to sync the offline file with the CSA-Project. Click the Yes button. Note that this synchronization cannot be made undone.
  12. OCAD syncs changes as well as new objects and will tell you, when it is finished. Then it will close the offline copy.
    * Offline changes on objects are only resynced to the server if the objects where checked out by you. Otherwise the change on the object is ignored.
    * Only the latest for the user saved offline work is possible to be resynced. Earlier saved versions can’t be resynced anymore.
    * Newly added objects are always added to the server during resync
  13. Load the CSA-Project again.
  14. The synced objects of the offline copy are not checked in yet. Check them in again (Icon CheckIn.PNG Check In Selected Objects).

Hint.jpg The offline copy is now disconnected from the project. For another session of offline work a new offline file must be created. The file can be deleted after resync.


The Icon DoDatabaseMaintenance.PNG Do Database Maintenance function in the Client Server toolbar cleans up the database and optimizes it.


Bookmarks are stored views of the map, which can be easily retrieved. In addition, you can add a name and a description to the bookmark. They can be stored as private or as public. Public bookmarks are shown to every user of the CSA-Project. As an example, you can send a note to the map makers which areas have to be edited. Private bookmarks are just shown to one user. Click the Icon ManageServerBookmarks.PNG Manage Server Bookmarks icon in the Client Server toolbar. The Manage Bookmarks dialog appears.


Click on My Bookmarks to open the subgroups. To add a bookmark, select either the Private or Public group and click them with the right mouse button. A submenu appears. Click the Add Bookmark command. The dialog enlarges. Select a group, either Private or Public, in the dropdown list and enter a name for the bookmark. In addition, you can add a description.

To delete a bookmark, select it in the bookmark tree, click it with the right mouse button and choose the Delete Bookmark command.

To change a bookmark, click it with the right mouse button and choose the Update Bookmark command. Now you can make modifications and decide if only the description is to be updated or also the position (current view).


To retrieve a bookmark, select it in the bookmark tree and click the Go to bookmark button. The view changes to the saved one.

This is a non-modal dialog. You can work on the map while keeping the dialog open.

Project Information

Click the Icon ShowProjectInformation.PNG Show Project Information icon in the Client Server toolbar to get the following information:

  • Users of the project
  • Users who are currently working on the project
  • Objects in the database
  • Your rights on the project
  • Users who are working offline
  • Checked out objects

Object History

Select an object and click the Icon ObjectHistory.PNG Object History icon in the Client Server toolbar to show its history. The Server Object Info dialog appears with the following information:

  • Object ID
  • Object creator
  • Object creation date
  • Last update of the object
  • User which made the last update
  • A list of all changes made on the object


Last page: First Loading of CSA Project
Next page: Raster Background Maps in CSA
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