Client Server Architecture

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This manual is written during the development of OCAD server module. All the features in the manner described here are subject to change. The manual reflects the functionality of the current implementation and how to work with it. This is not a final implementation an my have bugs and functionality faults. The current state is mostly tested with Postgres SQL – Server 8.2.9 and should work with the version mentioned before or higher. Working with an Oracle database is not yet supported, this will be a step for the future.

Installation of the Database

To be able to use the OCAD-Server Module you have to install a Postgres SQL – Server. The version used for development was 8.2.9. You can get Postgres from The module was developed with a Postgres Server on a Windows platform. To work with the server module you have to create a user called ocad11 – this is currently hard coded. As next step you must setup 6 core tables and 3 sequences for the module and alter the ocad11 user to them.


Connect Disconnect

After the basic database setup you can connect to the database. You have to enter the information in the below shown mask.

ServerClient NewConnection.png

For the first connection you have to provide the database protocol – currently only Postgres is supported. For a connection although the host, the database name, the port and the port must be provided. The user name for the database currently must be ocad11 as mentioned in the setup selection and a Password.

For the project user you must provide the data as inserted during the installation for the user name and the password. When you are connected the currently database projects get loaded and your userident (e.g. Illustration 1: connection and project settings the userident is 5002). In the current development stage none of the provided settings are saved! The hard coded default settings shown above. The database password is ocaddb.

The “auto reload changes” re-fetches all loaded objects when they changed in the db.

Create new Project

After the basic setup you can create a new map project in the database. To do so click in the connection window on new project. The following information have to be provided for the project creation.

ServerClient CreateNewProject.PNG

As shown in Illustration 2 a project name and a unique project ident must be supplied. When you enter a project name a project ident will be created of the name by default but you can change it the way you like. A map scale and a grid distance should be provided all other parameters are optional. When clicking on the create button the new project will be created and should shown up in the database window.

The database module tool bar

The server module can be accessed through its toolbar

File:ServerClient Toolbar.PNG

[[File: Database button. You can associate a project, connect/disconnect a database [[File: Adds one or more selected objects to the database project. [[File: Alt+Click: adds the Symbol descriptions to the database [[File: Alt + Shift + Click: adds all Objects from the file to the database [[File: Removes one or more selected objects from the database project [[File: Get all objects from current zoomed view of the work window. Alt + Click: Show the Objects dialog [[File: Check out one or more selected objects. After a checkout you can edit them [[File: Check in one or more selected objects. [[File: Show window checked out objects [[File: Do an undo of the last action. Alt + Click: Show the change history [[File: Do a redo of the last undo [[File: Generate a preview of the complete database project [[File: Save currently loaded project for offline work. [[File: Do maintenance the Project. Remove all redo and undo saves. Do some database optimization.

Get Objects from Current View


Import a Map from the Connected Server


Delete Object in Database


Check Out Selected Objects


Check in Selected Objects


Show Checked Out Objects


Database Undo


Database Redo


Generate Map Preview


Do Database Maintenance


Manage Server Bookmarks


Show Project Information


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