Tastatur zusammen mit der Maus einsetzen

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  • Move the view: Hold the Space key, click and hold with the Left Mouse Button the drawing area and move it. See also: Icon Pan.PNG Verschieben-Funktion
  • Zoom in/Zoom out: Hold the Ctrl key and use the Mouse Wheel to zoom in and out. See also: Icon ZoomIn.PNG Icon ZoomOut.PNG Zoom-Funktionen
  • Move the view vertically: Use the Mouse Wheel to scroll vertically.
  • Move the view horizontally: Hold the Shift key and use the Mouse Wheel to scroll horizontally.

There are some Shortcuts by default corresponding to view and navigation functions. Visit the Shortcuts page for more information.


  • Continue an existing line: Press the Shift key and click the end point of the line to be continued. This can be used instead of the Icon Merge.PNG Verschmelzen function.
  • Draw horizontal or vertical lines: Press the Alt key while drawing. The line snaps in a vertical or horizontal direction. This can be useful when drawing a border or north lines.
  • Follow existing lines: Hold the Ctrl key and click with the Left Mouse Button a point on the line to be followed. The Ctrl key can be released now. Keep the Left Mouse Button pressed and release it at the point the following shall stop. The drawing of the line can be continued now.



  • Select next object: Select a line object and choose the Icon Cut.PNG Schneiden function. If you press the Alt key, the cursor changes to the Icon SelectObjectAndEditVertex.PNG Selektiere Objekt und editiere Stützpunkt mode. Keep the Alt key pressed and click the next object you want to cut. Release the Alt key and continue with the cutting.
  • Insert a virtual gap: Select a line object and choose the Icon Cut.PNG Cut function. If you press the Ctrl key while cutting, a virtual gap is inserted. A virtual gap is graphical gap only: the line is not interrupted.
  • Dashed line: Insert a gap at the cutting point: Select a dashed line object and choose the Icon Cut.PNG Schneiden function. Hold the Shift key while cutting a dashed line to insert a gap with the same length, as the other gaps in the dashed line, at the cutting point.


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