Spiegeln und Duplizieren

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This function is available in OCAD 11 Professional.This function is available in OCAD 11 Orienteering Standard.

Choose the Mirror and Duplicate function in the Object menu to mirror (and duplicate) an area or line object. The function is available when at least one object is selected.

  1. Select a line, an area object or multiple objects (Selektiere und editiere mehrere Objekte).
  2. Choose the Mirror and Duplicate function.
  3. The Mirror and Duplicate dialog appears.
  4. Choose wheter the object(s) should be reflected horizontally or vertically.
  5. Click the Mirror button to mirror the object(s) without duplicating them or click the Duplicate button to duplicate and mirror the objects.
  6. Click the Close button to quit the dialog.

Hint.jpg - Point and text objects cannot be reflected. Convert them to a Graphikobjekt before reflecting.

Back to the Edit Object page.

To the Duplicate page.