Symbol Set Conversion

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This function is available in OCAD Mapping Solution.This function is available in OCAD Orienteering.
This function is not available in the TRIAL version of OCAD!

Choose this command from the Map menu to replace the current symbol set by a new one.

This function was developed to convert easily orienteering maps in ISOM 2000 to the new map specifications ISOM 2017 or sprint orienteering maps in ISSOM 2007 to ISSprOM 2019. But the function can also be used to convert all other types of maps. The advantage of this function is that you can select which symbols (e.g. club logos, layout symbols) of your current symbol set should additionally converted to the new symbol set. This function deletes also the unused colors of the current symbol set.

Check out the Symbol Set Overview page to find out, which symbol set you are using.

Hint.jpg There's a short Video on YouTube how to convert an older sprint map to the new ISSprOM 2019 symbol set.


  • File name: The New Symbol Set, to which you want to convert your current map.
  • Language: For some Symbol Sets, you can choose the language.
  • CRT File: Select a CRT table.
  • Load: Load a CRT file from a different location.
  • Save as: Save the adjusted CRT file.
  • ISOM 2000 to ISOM 2017 adjustments: Activate this checkbox to
- Change last vertex of objects with symbol 516.000 Power line to Corner vertex to keep the pylon
- Change last vertex of objects with symbol 517.000 Major power line to Corner vertex to keep the carrying mast
- Rotate boulder field objects (208.000 and 208.001) because Boulder field symbol is rotated too
  • Scale symbols: Activate this option if the map scale of both files is different, e.g. you convert an old MTBO map in scale 10'000 to the new ISMTBOM 15'000 symbol set.


The following example shows how to convert an ISOM 2000 OCAD map to ISOM 2017.

SymbolSetConversion SampleMap.png

The map contains additional symbols for the club logo in the symbol tree group 'Text and Logo'.

SymbolSetConversion ClubLogo.png

Click Symbol Set Conversion in the the Map menu to open the Symbol Set Conversion dialog form.

SymbolSetConversion DialogForm.png

Choose the New symbol set. OCAD loads all files from the OCAD program subfolder Symbol. Because the sample map is in the scale 1:10'000 OCAD loads the corresponding ISOM 2017 symbol set by default.

Choose the CRT (Cross Reference Table). OCAD loads all files from the OCAD program subfolder Crt. You can Load another Crt file or Save the adjusted Crt file.

When changing the New symbol set or the CRT file then OCAD updates the list.

The left side of the list shows the symbols from the current file, on the right the symbols from the chosen new symbol set. A line in green color means that OCAD assign all objects of this symbol to the new one. OCAD has this information from the CRT file. For example all objects form the current symbol 104.000 will be convert to the new symbol 101.001.

SymbolSetConversion ListGreen.png

You can click on the symbol icon to choose another symbol. It is only possible to choose a symbol from the same symbol type (e.g. line symbol to line symbol).

SymbolSetConversion SymbolChooser.png

The three symbol for the club logos are not assigned to a new symbol in the CRT file. So check these three symbols. The three lines appears in blue color. This means that OCAD copy these symbols with the used colors to the new symbol set.

SymbolSetConversion ListBlue.png

A white line means that OCAD deletes this symbol, but not the objects. So the objects will be Objects with unknown symbol. You can click on the red rectangle to assign these objects to a new symbol. For example the brown filling color for the north arrow (symbol number 529.007) will be changed to light brown (501.000).

SymbolSetConversion ObjectsAssigned.png

Click OK to convert the map. OCAD replaces the symbols and colors.

SymbolSetConversion ConvertedMap.png

The three copied symbols are at the top in the symbol box.

SymbolSetConversion SymbolBox.png

Also the used color (101 Black) from these three symbols is at the top in the color table. All other unused colors from the old symbol set are deleted.

SymbolSetConversion ColorTable.png

Use the Replace Color function in Symbol menu to replace this black color in these symbols by another one (e.g. 2 Black 100%).

Choose the function Optimize/Repair in Map menu to verify the map. 6 Objects still have a unknown symbol. You have to assign these objects to symbols manually.

SymbolSetConversion OptimizeRepair.png

Known Issues

Spot Colors

Spot colors have often different names in the current and new symbol set. In this case OCAD lose the spot color values for the added colors. if you want to print the map in spot colors you have to enter it again.

In the example below the added color 101 Black has no spot color values. You have to enter 100 in the Process Black column.

SymbolSetConversion SpotColors.png

Reverse Object Direction

Line and point objects can be reversed after the conversion. It occurs if the symbol definition in the old and new one are different.

Use the Reverse Object function function to reverse the direction of line objects.

Use the Rotate an Object by Angle function to rotate point objects by 180°.