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  • To select single objects press Crtl while marking by clicking objects with mouse or
  • pressed drag the mouse pointer over the objects.

Select and Edit Object

Choose Select and Edit Object in the Select menu or click the Select and Edit Object icon Icon SelectAndEditObject.PNG in the Editing and Drawing Toolbar to select and edit an object. The cursor changes to a black arrow like on the icon Icon SelectAndEditObject.PNG. You are now in the Select and Edit Object mode.
Click on an object to select it. The selection looks as follows if you have Object Stretching in the Object category in OCAD Preferences activated:

Stretch an Area or Line Object

If you have Object Stretching in the Object category in OCAD Preferences activated, you can click and drag the black squares BlackSquare.PNG (stretching points) to stretch the object. If you want to keep the shape of the object drag a square from the corner. If you drag a square from the middle, the object is distorted in the corresponding direction. If you hold down the shift key while dragging a stretching point BlackSquare.PNG, the object is stretched relative to the center.
Stretching does not work for point and text objects. If you stretch line text objects, the line is stretched and not the text.
If Object Stretching is not enabled, the stretching points BlackSquare.PNG are not visible.

Move an Object

Click and drag one of the unfilled squares WhiteSquare.PNG (moving points) to move the object. Each square represents a vertex. If a hole is selected, you can move it in the same way.
Objects can also be moved using the arrow keys.

Select a Hole in an Area

It is possible to select a hole in an area object by clicking inside the desired hole. Only the hole will be selected. You can accomplish editing operations (e.g. Enlarge/Reduce, Fill, Rotate, Move or Delete) as for a normal area object. Find more about cutting holes on the Edit Object page.

hint If you have enabled the Auto select symbol when selecting object option in the Symbol category of OCAD Preferences, the corresponding symbol is automatically selected when selecting an object. This does not work for a selection of multiple objects. hint Disable Context menu in drawing area in the GUI (Graphical User Interface) category of OCAD Preferences to switch easily to the current Drawing mode and the Select and Edit Vertex mode by a simple click with the right mouse button on the drawing area. If this option is enabled, the context menu appears by clicking on the drawing area with the right mouse button. Read more about the context menu on the OCAD Preferences page.

Select Object and Edit Vertex

Choose Select and Edit Vertex in the Select menu or click the Select and Edit Vertex icon Icon SelectObjectAndEditVertex.PNG in the Editing and Drawing Toolbar to select and edit vertices. The cursor changes to a transparent arrow like on the icon Icon SelectObjectAndEditVertex.PNG. You are now in the Select and Edit Vertex mode. Click on an object to select it. The selection looks as follows:
The characteristics of every vertex are visible in this selection.

Move Single Vertices

Once an object is selected you can move a single vertex of the selected object. Simply drag the desired point to the new position. If you move vertices of Bezier curves, a help line shows a preview of the new curve while dragging.

Edit a Bezier Vertex

Once an object containing Bezier vertices is selected you can edit those.


Drag a tangent endpoint O to edit the tangent.

Select a Hole in an Area

It is possible to select a hole in an area object by clicking inside the desired hole. Only the vertices of the hole will be marked. You can accomplish editing operations (e.g. Fill, Rotate, Move or Delete) as for a normal area object. Find more about cutting holes on the Edit Object page.

hint If you select an object in the Select and Edit Vertex Icon SelectObjectAndEditVertex.PNG mode, you can move it using the arrow keys on the keyboard.

hint If you have enabled the Auto select symbol when selecting object option in the Symbol category of OCAD Preferences, the corresponding symbol is automatically selected when selecting an object. This does not work for a selection of multiple objects.

hint Disable Context menu in drawing area in the GUI (Graphical User Interface) category of OCAD Preferences to switch easily between the current Drawing mode and the Select and Edit Vertex mode by a simple click with the right mouse button on the drawing area. If this option is enabled, the context menu appears by clicking on the drawing area with the right mouse button. Read more about the context menu on the OCAD Preferences page.

Select and Edit Multiple Objects

Drag an area in the Icon SelectAndEditObject.PNG Select and Edit Object or Icon SelectObjectAndEditVertex.PNG Select and Edit Vertex mode to select all objects which are in it.
You can choose between two modes to select multiple objects in the Select category of OCAD Preferences in the Options menu: Either all objects must be with at least one vertex in the selection or all objects must be completely in the selection.

Two options to select multiple objects: All objects with at least one vertex in the selection or all objects completely in the selection

Alternatively, you can select every object individually by holding the Shift key while clicking the objects.
In the Icon SelectAndEditObject.PNG Select and Edit Object mode it is possible to enlarge or reduce a selection of objects. For that purpose, drag one of the black squares BlackSquare.PNG in the desired direction.
It is also possible to move a selection of objects in both modes. If you move the mouse over the selection the cursor changes its appearance to MousePointerMove.PNG. By clicking and dragging the selection or using the arrow keys you can move it.

hint Enable the Move multiple objects option in the Warnings category of OCAD Preferences to get a warning message when you move multiple objects. Use this option in order to guard against moving multiple objects accidentally.

Select Objects by Symbol

Choose Select Objects by Symbol in the Select menu to select all objects with certain symbols or in a certain layer. As an example you can select all roads. The Select By Symbol dialog box appears.


All objects with a selected symbol

Choose this option and click on the OK button to select all objects with the selected symbol(s). Select the symbol(s) before you choose the Select Objects by Symbol command. For the example given above, select all road symbols. All roads are selected and you can for example measure their total length or make a modification to them.

All objects in a layer

If you import files like PDF, DXF, Adobe Illustrator or OpenStreetMap with layer information, the layer information does not get lost, though OCAD does not support layers as they are known in Adobe Illustrator or similar applications. Choose the All objects in a layer option to select all objects which are in the same layer. Choose a layer in the dropdown list. If you have selected an object of this layer before choosing this command, the layer name will already be filled in. For example, choose the layer which contains all the roads and click the OK button to select all roads.

Layout objects

Choose this option and click on the OK button to select all Layout Objects.

Unsymbolized objects

Choose this option and click on the OK button to select all Unsymbolized Objects.

Graphic objects

Choose this option and click on the OK button to select all Graphic Objects.

Image objects

Choose this option and click on the OK button to select all Image Objects.

Objects with invalid symbol type

Choose this option and click on the OK button to select all objects with invalid symbol type. An invalid symbol type can occur for example if you change symbol sets of a map. If the new symbol has the same symbol number as the old one but the symbol type is different (e.g. an area symbol instead of a point symbol), OCAD cannot display corresponding point objects on the map anymore. They are displayed with a cross and can be selected with this option.

Select Objects by Property

Choose Select Objects by Property in the Select menu to select objects by particular properties. The Select by Property dialog box appears.


The Select field
The first option All Objects means that the selection is made out of all objects in the map.
The second option Objects with a selected symbol means that the selection is reduced to the objects with a symbol that is selected in the symbol box.


  • Choose a property like Number of vertices, Length etc.
  • Choose an operator like < > = etc.
  • Enter a condition value.

Example 1

Option All objects
Condition: Length > 200
Result: All map objects with a length longer than 200 m are selected and listed in a table dialog box.

Example 2

Select two symbols in the symbol box (ex. lake and pond)
Option: Objects with a selected symbol
Condition: Area <= 3000
Result: All lakes and ponds with an area smaller or equal than 3000 m2 are selected and their properties listed in a table dialog box.
Change Objects Symbols: Change all objects with a specified symbol to another symbol.
Convert Layers to Symbol: Convert layers of imported DXF and AI files and create/edit CRT files.

Choose this command to convert the layers of an imported DXF or AI file. In this dialog box you can create a list of references. A reference consists of a layer and the corresponding OCAD symbol. You can save the list to a cross reference (.crt) file for later use. You can load an existing cross reference file to modify or execute it.

Example of *.crt file

A *.crt file consists two rows which are separated by a space. The first column contains the symbol number of the OCAD symbol. In the second row is the layer name of the object which shall be assigned to the OCAD symbol.
  • 526.0 01211
  • 527.0 01611
Load: Click this button to load an existing cross reference (*.crt) file.
Save: Click this button to save the changes to a cross reference file.
Save as: Click this button to save the changes to a different cross reference file.
Layer: Select here the layer to be converted.
Symbol: Select here the OCAD symbol to which the selected layer should be converted.
Move Up: Click this icon to move the selected line one line upwards in the table.
Move Down: Click this icon to move the selected line one line downwards in the table.
Add: Click this button to add a reference to the list.
Delete: Click this button to delete the selected reference.
Execute: Click this button to execute the conversion.

This command is activated if a map file is loaded.


The first option All Objects means that the selection is made out of all objects in the map. The second option Objects with a selected symbol means that the selection is reduced to the objects with a symbol that is selected in the symbol box.


  • Choose a property like Number of vertices, Length etc.
  • Choose an operator like < > = etc.
  • Enter a condition value.

Example 1

Option All objects Condition: Length > 200 Result: All map objects with a length longer than 200 m are selected and listed in a table dialog box.

Example 2

Select two symbols in the symbol box (ex. lake and pond) Option: Objects with a selected symbol Condition: Area <= 3000 Result: All lakes and ponds with an area smaller or equal than 3000 m2 are selected and their properties listed in a table dialog box.

Select All

Choose Select All in the Select menu to select all symbolized (also from protected and hidden symbols), unsymbolized, graphic and image objects. Layout objects are not selected.

Clear Selection

Choose Clear Selection in the Select menu to deselect all objects.

Invert Selection

Choose Invert Selection in the Select menu to deselect all selected objects and select all unselected object. Layout objects are not selected.

Select Next Object

This menu item is only available if an object is already selected. Choose Select Next Object in the Select menu to select an object which is behind an object that is already selected.

Hint.jpg To select an object behind an already selected object you can also keep the Alt or Alt Gr key pressed and click on the already selected object.

Save Selection

Choose Save Selection in the Select menu to save the current selection. The Save Selection dialog box appears.


Enter the name of the selection and click on the Save button.

hint Choose Select Objects by Symbol in the Select menu to select all objects of the selected symbols.

Reload Selection

Choose Reload Selection in the Select menu to select all objects from a saved selection. Choose a saved selection and the Reload Selection dialog appears.


The list of the selected objects with aditional information is shown in the dialog. The number of selected objects is shown in the caption in brackets.

Select one object in the list and OCAD selects this object in the drawing area in the edit mode.

Hint.jpg The Reload Selection function selects also symbolized objects from symbols with the status Protect or Hide.

Edit Selection

Choose Edit Selection in the Select menu to rename or delete saved selections.


Delete a Selection

Select a selection in the Edit Selection dialog and click the Delete button to delete it. Click the Delete all button to delete all selections.

Rename a Selection

Select a selection in the Edit Selection dialog. Then enter a new name for the selection in the Selection name field. Click the Rename button to apply the new name.

Click the OK button to save and quit the Edit Selection dialog. Click the Cancel button to close the Edit Selection dialog without saving any changes.

Select Group

If you have grouped objects on your map, you can select them easily by choosing Select Group in the Select menu.

video available [Selection]

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Next Chapter: Edit Object

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