Since Ocad 11, it's possible to add layout layers in the map. This layer may contain raster images and vector objects like lines, areas or text. The vector layout objects color model is CMYK. The layout images' one is RGB. PNG transparency is not supported. Spot colors are not supported by the OCAD layout layer.
Layout objects cannot be selected, moved, removed or changed unless you choose the Edit Layout Objects command in the Layout menu.
Edit Layout Objects
Use this function in the Layout menu to add, remove or edit layout objects and define their properties. The Edit Layout Objects dialog appears on the right side of the window. Now you can move, edit or remove layout objects in the drawing area like normal objects.
Add a line, area or text layout object:
- Click the Line, Area or Text icon in the Edit Layout Objects dialog as a Type.
- Choose a Color. Click the color field to define the color with the Color Picker.
- If you have chosen a line, define the Line width in the Line properties category in mm. If you have chosen a text, choose a Font and a Text size in the Text properties category.
- The Opacity can be defined for each object.
- Draw the layout object with the regular drawing tools.
To edit the drawn layout object select it and change the properties (color, line width etc.) in the Edit Layout Objects dialog or use the editing functions of OCAD (Edit Object).
The error message: "Font not found" appears if a layout object is linked to a font that is not installed on the PC. The font needs to be installed on the PC (restart OCAD after you installed the font) or another font must be chosen. Otherwise the font Arial is used.
Add an image
Click the Embed or Link button in the Images category of the Edit Layout Objects dialog.
The supported image files are .bmp, .gif, .jpg, .png.
A new dialog opens and you can browse an image.
Move and resize the image objects by using the Select and Edit Object Tool. They can be moved with arrow keys as well.
By embedding the layout images directly in the OCAD file, the file size increases accordingly. However, when passing on OCAD files, it is no longer necessary to ensure that the layout images are also supplied and saved in the correct folder.
Click the Open button to embed the image.
When embedding a png image, an input box for image width will be shown.
If your map contains layout images and you pass your file forward to another person, you need to send the layout images as well, as they are not part of the OCAD file.
Click the Open button to link the image.
Select a linked image in the Layout object list and the Convert button will become active. Press the Convert button and the selected image will be embedded.
Remove a layout image by selecting it in the Layout object list and clicking the Remove button in the Images category of the Edit Layout Objects dialog.
Layout Object List
- All layout objects are listed in the Layout object list. It is possible to set them visible or hidden and to move them by drag and drop or the arrow keys.
- The error message "The maximum allowed entries of layout objects is reached" appears if the list contains the maximum of 256 entries.
Object Type | Parameter | Properties |
Line Object | Color Opacity Line width |
Color Picker in [%] in [mm] |
Area Object | Color Opacity |
Color Picker in [%] |
Text Object | Color Opacity Text properties |
in [%] Font Size in [pt] Bold Italic Bottom left Bottom center Bottom right Fully justified |
Images | Add Remove |
Import Layout
Choose this command in the Layout menu to import the layout objects from another OCAD map. The layout objects are placed in the center of the actual drawing area. This command is only available if you are in the Edit Layout Objects mode.
Save Layout
Choose this command from the Layout menu to save the layout objects to a separate OCAD file. This command is only available if you are in the Edit Layout Objects mode.
Delete Layout
Choose this command from the Layout menu to delete all the layout objects. This command is only available if you are in the Edit Layout Objects mode.
Select Hide in the Layout menu to hide all layout objects.
Add North Arrow or Scale Bar
You can add predefined north arrows or scale bars to the Layout.
- Choose Edit Layout Objects in the Layout menu.
- Choose Add North Arrow or Scale Bar in the Layout menu.
- The Add North Arrow or Scale Bar dialog appears and you can choose between different north arrows and scale bars from the Templates folder of the OCAD directory (Usually C:\Program Files\OCAD\OCAD 20xx Edition\Templates).
- Click the Open button to add the selected object to the layout objects.
- In the OCAD directory you can find a PDF-File with an overview of all predefined north arrows and scale bars (Usually C:\Program Files\OCAD\OCAD 20xx Edition\Templates).
- - North arrow and scale bar templates are black. You can change the color after adding them by choosing a color from the color field in the Edit Layout Objects dialog.
Add Map Legend
Choose the Add Map Legend function from the Layout menu to create a Map Legend. The Add Map Legend dialog appears.
Legend Icon
Define values for the legend icon in this part of the dialog. You have to set a value for the Icon height, the Icon width and the Line spacing. If you want that only used symbols are shown in the legend, check the corresponding box. In the same way, you can decide wheter hidden symbols are shown in the legend or not.
Symbol type
Only the checked symbol types are taken into consideration for the map legend. Click the All button to check or click the None button to uncheck all symbol types.
Legend Text
Choose a symbol for the legend text. This must be a text symbol of course. If you want that the symbol number is shown in the legend text, check the corresponing option.
Click the OK button to add the map legend.
This function creates symbolized map objects, not layout objects. Use the function Convert to Layout Object to convert them into layout objects.
Add Trim and Bleed Marks
This command adds trim and bleed marks as layout objects to the map.
- The easiest way to add trim and bleed marks is when you set the ruler guides to the border of the map and the map layout (e.g. A4 landscape format) first. Learn how to use the ruler guides on the Ruler Guides page. If you do not want to use Ruler Guides skip this step.
- Choose the Add Trim and Bleed Marks function in the Layout menu.
- The Add Trim and Bleed Marks dialog opens.
- If you are using Ruler Guides, click the Get ruler guides coordinates button in the Trim marks part of the dialog, select a style (see below) and then click the Add button. Trim marks with the coordinates of the ruler guides are added. If you are not using Ruler Guides, enter the paper coordinates for the trim marks manually before clicking the Add button.
- Enter the offset for the bleed marks in the Bleed marks part of the dialog if you want to add them and select a style (see below). Then click the Add button.
- Click the Close button to apply all adjustments and quit the dialog.
Trim and Bleed Marks are layout objects and can be edited and removed like other layout object.
With adding trim and/or bleed marks, OCAD adds automatically a print and export rectangle with the corresponding extent including the marks.
Define Paper Size
This command defines the paper size. The paper size is visible in the drawing area.
It can be useful for displaying a print area or creating a map layout.
Define Paper Size Dialog
- Show paper size in drawing area: Activate this option to gray out the area outside the defined area. You can still draw and edit objects in the grayed out area.
- If you load a map that has a defined paper size as a background map e.g. in a course setting project, the paper size of the background map is not displayed.
- Load / Delete existing extent: If available, you can select an existing extent here.
If you have already defined extents for exporting or printing maps in the same file, they will also be available here.
- Scale: Select the scale.
- Set from paper format: You can select a standard paper format or select the entire map. You can also adjust the width and height individually in the OCAD window or in the dialog.
- Margin: Defining a margin takes account of the fact that most printers are generally unable to print all the way to the edge of a sheet of paper. In this case, there will be a white strip which is about 3-5mm wide, depending on the printer. The margin you define in the dialog is displayed with a red dashed line in the OCAD window. There should not be any important map or course setting objects outside the margin.
- Overwrite / Create new extent: Overwrite an existing extent or enter a name to save a new extent.
The extents saved in this dialog will also be available for exporting and printing.
Create Graticule Name Index
This command is only available if the map is georeferenced and a coordinate system is set. The command calculates a name index based on the WGS84 graticule.
Select one or more symbols in the symbol box before choosing the command. All text objects and line text objects with these symbol(s) are included to the index.
Create Graticule Name Index Dialog
- Index origin of longitude/latitude: Enter index origin coordinates.
- Horizontal/vertical distance: Enter the distance between the grid lines.
- Angle: Enter the angle of the grid. This angle is zero, if the grid is not rotated.
- Style: Choose a numbering style. One axis is always numbered "A, B, C..." and the other "1, 2, 3...". Alternatively, you can choose the WGS84 style.
- Symbol: Choose a text symbol. It is used as a symbol for the name index text objects.
After clicking the OK button a text object with the index will be added in the center of the drawing area and can be moved to the desired position.
This function creates symbolized map objects, not layout objects. Use the function Convert to Layout Object to convert the index to layout objects.
Create WGS84 Grid is the corresponding function to create a graticule.
Define a Tab in the name index text symbol therewith the indices are written in a column.
Error Message Text is too long
Each text object in OCAD is limited by 32000 characters. This error message appears when the text has more charcaters. OCAD copies the full text string in the Windows Clipboard. In this case we recommend you to split the text string from Windows Clipboard in a Text editor and paste it into OCAD.
Create Name Index
Make sure you have selected one or more text or line text symbols in the symbol box before choosing Create Name Index in the Layout menu. The Create Name Index Dialog appears.
OCAD creates the name index from all objects from the selected text or line text symbols. For example, if you want to list all street names, select all symbols for street names in the symbol box.
- Name index range: Choose Entire map to create the index for the entire map or choose Part of map for a desired part. OCAD uses the part of maps defined in the print and export dialogs.
- Horizontal/vertical offset: Enter the coordinate of the upper left or lower left corner where the numbering of the grid starts (in this example the origin of the A1 square). The coordinate can be easily found out by reading them in the Status Bar while hovering with the mouse over this point.
- Horizontal/vertical distance: Enter the distance between the grid lines (in this example the distance from A to B square respectively from 1 to 2 square.
- Angle: Enter the angle of the grid if it is rotated. Usually, namely in the case of exactly horizontal and vertical grid lines, the angle is zero.
- Style: Choose a numbering style. One axis is always numbered "A, B, C..." and the other "1, 2, 3..."
- Symbol: Choose a text symbol. It is used for the text objects, building the name index.
After clicking the OK button a text object with the index will be added in the center of the drawing area and can be moved to a desired position.
This function creates symbolized map objects, not layout objects. Use the function Convert to Layout Object to convert the index to layout objects.
Create Map Grid is the corresponding function to create a rectangular map grid. OCAD does not create a map grid with the Create Name Index function.
Define a Tab in the name index text symbol therewith the indices are written in a column.
Error Message Text is too long
Each text object in OCAD is limited by 32000 characters. This error message appears when the text has more charcaters. OCAD copies the full text string in the Windows Clipboard. In this case we recommend you to split the text string from Windows Clipboard in a Text editor and paste it into OCAD.
Convert to Layout Object
Visit the Convert to Layout Object page to get some information about this function.
Generate QR Code
Choose the Generate QR Code to generate and add a QR Code to your map.
You can now quickly and easily create a QR code of any text directly in OCAD and place it on the map.
This way you can easily link from your map to further information, e.g. fact sheets, points of interest or live results.
Text: You can enter any text, e.g. an URL. If you read the QR code with your QR Scanner, this text will be displayed.
Quite zone: The QR Code symbol area requires a margin or "quiet zone" around it to be read and used. The margin is a clear area around a symbol where nothing is printed.
Size: Set the size in mm. You can also change the size by selecting the QR Code and enlarge / reduce it.
Color: Choose a color.
Add to map: Adds the QR Code to the map.
In OCAD, the QR Code is displayed as grouped Image Objects. Make sure the Image Objects are not hidden (Menu Symbol > Image Objects)