Graphical User Interface

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OCAD Mapping Solution Edition features the following menus:


  • File: File management, file import and export functions, printing.
  • Course Setting: Functions for course setting in orienteering sport. Only visible when a course setting project is open.
  • View: Functions for viewing the map.
  • Select: Functions for selecting an object or a vertex .
  • Object: Object editing functions.
  • Topology: Topology functions.
  • Symbol: Functions for creating and editing symbols.
  • Map: Map editing functions.
  • Layout: Layout management functions.
  • Sketch: Draw and manage Sketch objects.
  • Multiple Representation: Multiple representation management functions.
  • Database: Functions for connecting and editing databases.
  • Thematic Map: Create, modify and delete thematic maps.
  • Background Map: Functions for loading and managing background maps.
  • DEM: Functions for the import, export and processing of Digital Elevation Models.
  • GPS: Functions for connecting GPS devices or importing GPS data.
  • Options: Functions for customizing personal preferences.
  • Window: Functions for arranging the map window.
  • Help: OCAD Help.


Toolbars can be moved within the graphical user interface. The buttons can be individually shown or hidden in the GUI (Graphical User Interface) category of the OCAD Preferences which can be found in the Options menu. Alternatively, click the small arrow at the end of each toolbar to adjust it.


Standard Toolbar

Standard Toolbar

Icon New.PNG New: Create a new map.
Icon Open.PNG Open: Open an existing map.
Icon Save.PNG Save: Save changes made to the map.
Icon Print.PNG Print: Print out the map.
Icon Undo.PNG Undo: Undo previous actions.
Icon Redo.PNG Redo: Cancel the previous undo action.
Icon BackgroundMapManager.PNG Manage Background Maps: Manage the background maps.
Icon SymbolStatusManager.PNG Symbol Status Manager: Manage the symbol status settings.
Icon OpenGoogleStreetView.PNG Open Google Street View: Opens Google Street View in your web browser at the chosen position of the map.

Editing and Drawing Toolbar

Edit and Drawing Toolbar

Edit modes

Icon SelectAndEditObject.PNG Select and Edit Object: Select and move objects.
Icon SelectObjectAndEditVertex.PNG Select Object and Edit Vertex: Select objects or move points of objects.
Icon SelectObjectWithLassoTool.PNG Select Object with Lasso Tool: Select objects with a Lasso.
Icon NormalVertex.PNG Normal Vertex: Add a vertex. This will not influence a dashed line.
Icon CornerVertex.PNG Corner Vertex: Add a corner vertex or turn a normal vertex into a dash vertex. This will affect the dashed line so that it will start with a full dash from this point, and/or the specific main symbol of a line will appear at the corner vertex.
Icon DashVertex.PNG Dash Vertex: Add a dash vertex or turn a normal vertex into a dash vertex. This will affect the dashed line, which will start with half a dash from this point.
Icon RemoveVertex.PNG Remove Vertex
Icon IndicateDirectionOfAreaPatternPointOrTextObject.PNG Indicate Direction of Area Pattern, Point or Text Object: Indicate the direction of an area pattern, point or text object.
Icon RotateObject.PNG Rotate Object: Rotate the selected object(s).
Icon CutHole.PNG Cut hole: Cut a hole into the selected area object.
Icon CutArea.PNG Cut area: Cut the selected area object.
Icon Cut.PNG Cut: Cut the selected line object or the borderline of the selected double line or area.
Icon MoveParallel.PNG Move parallel: Move the selected line or area object parallel to the original object.
Icon Reshape.PNG Reshape: Redraw part of a line, area or text object.

Drawing modes

Icon CurveMode.PNG Curve mode: Draw in curve mode.
Icon EllipseMode.PNG Ellipse mode: Draw elliptical (oval) objects.
Icon CircleMode.PNG Circle mode: Draw circular objects.
Icon RectangularLineMode.PNG Rectangular line mode: Draw rectangular line objects with any number of corners.
Icon RectangularMode.PNG Rectangular mode: Draw rectangular area objects with any number of corners.
DrawingModeStairway.PNG Stairway drawing mode: Draw a rectangular stairway.
Icon StraightLineMode.PNG Straight line mode: Draw objects with straight lines.
Icon FreehandMode.PNG Freehand mode: Draw objects in freehand mode.
IconSketchMode.png Sketch mode: Add a Sketch Layer
Icon DrawingMultiplePointObjects.PNG Drawing multiple point objects: Draw several point objects that are placed on a line with a constant interval.
IconFillBoundedAreaMode.png Fill Bounded Area Mode: Fill empty areas that are bounded by various objects from line or area symbols.
Icon NumericMode.PNG Numeric Mode: Draw objects in numeric mode.
Icon LaserDistance.PNG Laser Rangefinder drawing mode: Draw objects by distances transmitted from a laser distance meter.
numeric toolbar Numeric Mode Toolbar

Edit Functions Toolbar

Edit Functions Toolbar

Icon Delete.PNG Delete: Delete the selected object(s).
Icon RotateEnterAngle.PNG Rotate (Enter Angle): Rotate selected object(s) by entering an angle.
Icon AlignObjectsHorizontal.PNG Align Objects: Horizonal Coordinates: Align objects at a horizontal coordinate.
Icon AlignObjectsHorizontalCoordinateCentered.PNG Align Objects: Horizontal Coordinate Centered: Align objects at horizontal centered coordinates.
Icon AlignObjectsVertical.PNG Align Objects: Vertical Coordinates: Align objects at a vertical coordinate.
Icon DistributeObjectsHorizontalCoordinate.PNG Distribute Objects: Horizontal Coordinate: Distributes the selected objects horizontal with equal space between.
Icon DistributeObjectsVerticalCoordinate.PNG Distribute Objects: Vertical Coordinate: Distributes the selected objects vertical with equal space between.
Icon Crop.PNG Crop Objects: Crop objects in a designated area (desired sector, hole, delete selected objects).
Icon MoveDuplicatebySpecifiedDistance.PNG Move/Duplicate Parallel by Specified Distance: Move/Duplicate an object by a speciefied distance and direction.
Icon InterpolateObjects.PNG Interpolate Objects: Insert line or point objects regularly between existing objects.
Icon DuplicateObject.PNG Duplicate Object: Create a copy of the selected objects.
Icon FillOrMakeBorder.PNG Fill or Make Border: Fill a line or area object an with area object, make a line border for an area object or duplicate the object identically. Create a line text object on a selected line object.
Icon Merge.PNG Merge: Merge multiple line, area and text objects with the same symbol.
Icon ReverseObject.PNG Reverse Object: Reverse the direction of the selected line object(s).
Icon ChangeToPolyline.png Change to Polyline Convert the selected line or area object(s) into a polyline.
Icon ChangeToBezierCurve.PNG Change To Bézier Curve: Convert the selected line or area object(s) drawn in freehand mode into Bezier curves.
Icon ConvertToGraphicObject.PNG Convert To Graphic Object: Convert the selected object(s) into their graphic elements (lines and areas).
Icon Smooth.PNG Smooth: Smooth line or area objects.
Icon GeneralizeBuildings.PNG Generalize Buildings: Simplify the building geometry or rectangle it.
Icon Snapping.PNG Snapping: Snap vertices automatically to other curves or points.
Icon Join.PNG Join: Move the ends of the selected line object to connect to adjoining objects.
Icon ChangeSymbolOfObject.PNG Change Symbol of Object: Assign the symbol selected in the symbol box to the selected object(s).
Icon ChangeSymbolForAllObjectsWithThisSymbol.PNG Change Symbol For All Objects With This Symbol: Change the symbol of all objects with a symbol A to symbol B.
Icon Measure.PNG Measure: Measure the selected line or area object or the distance between 2 selected point objects.
Icon ObjectInformation.PNG Object Information: Shows the object information.
Icon AutomaticJoining.PNG Automatic Joining: Automatically join the ends of lines and areas during the drawing process.
Icon SelectDuplicateObjects.PNG Select Duplicate Objects: Selects identical objects at the same position.
Icon SelectSelfIntersectedObjects.PNG Select Self-Intersected Objects: Selects all line, area and line text objects with a self-intersecting geometry.
Icon SelectLineTextObjectswithLinetooShort.PNG Select Line Text Objects with Line too Short: Selects all line text objects whose text is longer than the line length.

View Toolbar

View Toolbar

Various functions are available for increasing or reducing the size of map view as well as repositioning it.

Icon FindSelectedObjects.PNG Find Selected Objects: Move screen to the selected object.
Icon Pan.PNG Pan: Reposition the map view
Icon PanLocked.PNG Pan Locked: Reposition the map view a number of times in succession.
Icon ZoomIn.PNG Zoom In: Zoom in the map view to greater magnification.
Icon ZoomInLocked.PNG Zoom In Locked: Zoom in the map view a number of times in succession.
Icon ZoomOut.PNG Zoom Out: Zoom out the map view to lesser magnification.
Icon ZoomOutToPreviousView.PNG Zoom Out to Previous View: Zoom out to the last map view of lesser magnification.
Icon ZoomtoSelectedObjects.PNG Zoom to Selected Objects: Zoom the view to the biggest possible view showing the selected objects.
Icon ShowEntireMap.PNG Show Entire Map: Display the entire map in the drawing window.
Icon ZoomToPreviousView.PNG Zoom to Previous View: Return to last map view.
Icon ZoomToNextView.PNG Zoom to Next View: Undo "Zoom to Previous View".
Icon ShowGrid.PNG Show Screen Grid: Display the coordinate grid in the drawing window.
Icon ShowRulers.PNG Show Rulers: Show rulers along the top and left side of the drawing area.
Icon ShowRulerGuides.PNG Ruler Guides: Display all ruler guides in the drawing area.
DraftMode.JPG Draft Mode Slider: The upper slider (M for map) is used to fade out the map objects; the lower slider (B for background) to fade out the Background Map. The Draft Mode Slider is only visible if the Draft Mode is activated in the View menu.

Mobile Toolbar Space.PNGThis function is available in OCAD Mapping Solution.This function is available in OCAD Orienteering.

Mobile Toolbar

This toolbar can be used as an alternative to the keyboard. Some tablet PCs do not have a keyboard with these special keys; use the Mobile Toolbar to use these keys.

Sketch Toolbar Space.PNGThis function is available in OCAD Mapping Solution.This function is available in OCAD Orienteering.This function is available in OCAD Starter.

Sketch Toolbar.png

OCAD Sketch Layer and it's tools are designed to be used for field work with a tablet and a pen.

Numeric Keypad Toolbar Space.PNGThis function is available in OCAD Mapping Solution.This function is available in OCAD Orienteering.

Numeric Toolbar

This toolbar can be used as an alternative to the numeric keypad. Some tablet PCs do not have a keyboard; Numeric Toolbar can be used to enter numbers.

Customize Toolbar Dialog Box

Choose this command to customize toolbars. The dialog box is opened by clicking Customize in the GUI (Graphical User Interface) page in OCAD Preferences dialog box (Menu Options) or by clicking on the right end of a toolbar. When the box above the button is checked the button will be visible otherwise it will be hidden.


hint The Sketch toolbar and the Numeric keypad toolbar cannot be customized.

hint In Orienteering edtion some icons and checkboxes are disabled. That means that these functions are not in the Orienteering edition.

Using the Keyboard with the Mouse

You find an overview of options for using the keyboard and the mouse together on the Tips with Keyboard and Mouse page.

Status Bar

In the Status Bar at the bottom of the window you can find useful information:


Currently Selected Object: The symbol number and the name of the currently selected symbol is displayed in this part. If multiple objects are selected, the number of selected objects is shown. In addition, if you retrieve a Bookmark, the saved comment is displayed here.
hint If the selected object is an area object or line object, it's length (paper and real-world) and angle (direction of line relative to magnetic north) will be shown as well.


Coordinates from Mouse: The coordinates of the current position of the mouse pointer is displayed in this part. You can change the format of the coordinates shown here in the Graphical User Interface category of OCAD Preferences in the Options menu. If a DEM is loaded, within its extent the elevation in meters is given in brackets after the coordinates.

Mode: The current View Mode is displayed in this part of the status bar. The view mode can be changed either here or in the View menu.

Current Zoom Factor: This field shows the current Zoom Factor.

Visibility: Visibility.PNG
There are seven eye icons which indicate wheter a certain map feature is visible or not. These features are (from left to right): Layout, Map, Background Map, Symbols, Unsymbolized Objects, Graphic Objects and Image Objects.
If the eye icon is black, the feature is visible.
If the eye icon is grey, no corresponding features exist.
If the eye icon is crossed off with a red cross, the feature is not visible.
If the eye icon is crossed off with an orange cross, the feature is only partially visible.

Currently Selected Symbol: The currently selected symbol is shown in this part of the status bar.

Docking Space.PNGThis function is available in OCAD Mapping Solution.This function is available in OCAD Orienteering.

It is possible to dock/undock some panels, which where located on the right side.


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